The State of Native Android Development, December 2021
My summary of the main news and changes that took place in native Android development ecosystem in 2021, and some predictions for the future.
My summary of the main news and changes that took place in native Android development ecosystem in 2021, and some predictions for the future.
Explanation of Single Level of Abstraction Principle and several real-world examples of its application.
Example of a real-world, complex Finite State Machine (FSM) with unit tests, and discussion of its implementation approach.
Review of Kotlin’s effect on Android developers’ productivity since its introduction as a “first class language for Android” four years ago.
Comparison between Dagger, Hilt and Koin dependency injection frameworks for Android, and Pure Dependency Injection technique.
Comparison of ViewBinding tool to the standard approach involving many findViewById calls
This tutorial shows how to add web server functionality into Android applications and allow external clients connecting to it.
Explanation of one- and two-way communication between “native” code and the contents of WebView component in Android applications
Source code and discussion of the re-implementation of the notorious Android AsyncTask using Kotlin Coroutines framework.
My argument against using ContentProvider component for automatic initialization of Android libraries.